Commissions Gallery
This page shows examples of custom commissions that Beckie has created. The work is in a variety of styles and materials.
The commission process is described on the Commission Information page.

Memorial Sculpture: "Parting"
Beckie was asked to create a sculpture for a client whose wife had recently passed. The memorial was based on a photo of the husband and wife clasping hands. The sculpture was designed to integrate into the wife’s memorial altar.
Bronze bust of Bill Lowell
This portrait was commissioned for the Lowell Memorial Plaza at the University of Arizona. Bill Lowell was a star football player at the University, and was a member of the last team to play before the season was put on hold during World War II. Lowell and three other teammates were killed in the war. Another pedestal in the Plaza honors the team, and Bill’s fellow fallen team-mates.

Life-sized bronze figure for private courtyard
Beckie collaborated with her clients to create a female bronze for a custom courtyard re-design. The gesture and expression of the figure, who the clients named Sophia, evolved with clay sketches during the commission process.
The Family
The client was looking for a sculpture to fill a long wall in their dining room. She had seen one of Beckie’s installation pieces that included masks hanging on a laundry line. This piece, “The Family”, evolved through discussions with the client and her family, all of whom were asked to contribute their thoughts and ideas about what the piece should look like and who the characters in the group would be.

Portrait Mask of Andre Rieu
The client is a big fan of violinist and conductor Andre Rieu, and often attends Rieu’s spectacular outdoor concerts in historic European towns. The client asked Beckie to create a wearable portrait mask of Rieu that he could wear to the concert as a tribute to this legendary performer.
Portrait Mask of David Cangelosi as Mime
Opera singer David Cangelosi is renowned world wide for his work as a character tenor. He is particularly recognized for his portrayal of the character of Mime in Wagner’s Ring Cycle– a role that he has sung with major opera companies and symphonies both nationally and internationally, and has recorded with Placido Domingo. Cangelosi commissioned Beckie to create a portrait of himself as Mime, wearing the costume and wig from the Chicago Lyric Opera production in which David made his role debut. In the signature style of Beckie’s Sculpted Arias sculptures, the reverse side of the bronze mask contains iconic images for the character and fragments of his music.

Custom Bird Mask
A university professor with a specialty on the history of medieval magic asked Beckie to create a wearable hoopoe mask. The hoopoe bird is important in the history of magic, and is the totem bird for the professor. He has worn the mask to deliver a lecture, attend the department Halloween party, and to delight his family at holiday gatherings.

Birthday Portrait
This Commemorative portrait was created as a 75th birthday gift. This fired ceramic portrait was begun from photos, and completed with a studio session.
Architectural Restoration Project
Beckie created relief panels, reconstructed corbels and sculpted a new door surround for the historic Dutch House in Brookline, MA. The complete story of her contribution to the restoration project can be found on the Sculpture/Architectural Restoration page.

60th Anniversary Portrait
Brenda and Ralph saw Beckie’s exhibition at the Barn Gallery in Lenox, MA. They had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, and asked Beckie to create commemorative portrait busts to mark this special landmark. The fired ceramic portraits were begun from photos, and completed with a studio session.
Portrait commission
Henry is the brother of Brenda, whose portrait is pictured above. When Brenda told Henry she and her husband had commissioned a portrait in honor of their 60th anniversary, Henry commissioned one of himself to give a s a gift to his son. The ceramic sculpture was begun from photos, and completed with two studio sessions.