Figures with Masks

Beckie Kravetz began her sculpture career as a theatrical mask maker (  She is intrigued with how the mask both conceals and reveals emotion and personality.  In taking the mask away from the face, the face itself becomes the canvas for revelation or concealment.

The Closet

Bronze figure, neoprene masks, sterling silver hangers, wood

Straw Women

Straw, chicken wire, earth plaster, laminated paper mask

Dismay Pole

Paper clay figure, neoprene masks, wire ribbon, mixed media

Iris Wooed by Zephyrus

AquaResin masks, steel base, resin column parts, anodized aluminum, copper and steel wire hair

Iris Wooed By Zephyrus detail

Overwhelmed: The Artist in Quarantine Cleans Out Her Office

Neoprene mask, chicken wire, shredded tax files, and garbage bag

All Wrung Out

Stoneware figure, neoprene masks, willow basket, clothesline and wooden clothespins


All Wrung Out, Detail

Dangerous Games

Paper Clay figure, copper doll bodies, neoprene masks


Stoneware, wire

The Family

Cast aluminum masks, mixed media, metal clothespins on wire, aluminum sheet metal

The Family-Details

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