AUGUST 6 – OCTOBER 30, 2022

Ferrin Contemporary | 1315 MASS MoCA Way, North Adams, MA

Our America/Whose America? Is a call and response exhibition between contemporary artists and historic ceramic objects.

Beckie is one of 23 artists invited to submit a piece to this timely, provocative exhibition.

Below is her statement about her sculpture titled “Undone”

“For this exhibition, I was asked to respond to a collection of historic, mass-market ceramic memorabilia, some of which depict racial stereotypes that both reflect and feed systemic racism in the United States. Against the current news crescendo of racially motivated violence, biases in our legal system, and inequities magnified by the ongoing pandemic, I was inspired to create this fractured figure of Lady Justice: on the edge of a precipice, robes and flesh ripped to the heart, arms severed, blindfold off, and scales rigged so that a mountain of colored clay balls are outweighed by a single, familiar white ball often associated with white privilege. Like her, the cliché of justice being done has been torn apart — “Undone”.

For full details about the show, please visit the Ferrin Contemporary website.     


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